Wednesday 2 March 2016

Progress Presentation

Today I had my progress presentation in front of my peers and lecturers. I only had 6min to present my project, which is why I focused on the two creatures that I have created so far rather than theory which I could discuss with my supervisor in greater depth.
Overall I got really good feedback and some lovely comments on my work which made me very happy! One of the feedback comments that I got was how I rendered fur. They said that I didn't need to put that much detail in and that with some brushes I could easily create the look of fur. This is something that has actually been on my mind, if I do create another creature with fur or with a skin type I haven't worked on before, I think some texture spheres would do me good. Another comment was to think about the fictional world context more. For example, explore how elements such as gravity could affect my creatures etc.  
One of the most interesting comments I got was is my project a design or illustration based project? For me, I aim for design, the comment was relating to the final piece of creature 1 that I created. I still want to create these final pieces because it helps me round off each creature and to show the viewer a more in depth look at the creature in an action scene. I do think I should do more design work on little details for my up coming creatures. Details that included how the environment affects them and how they breath etc I believe it will create an even more detailed and believable creature.

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