Tuesday 8 March 2016

Showcase thoughts

My Degree showcase will be held from the 6th May to 15th. I will have two days to set up my exhibit on the 4th and 5th. There is some debate about how many pieces of artwork we're aloud on our wall but during a lecture we've been told that we're only aloud one A2 poster to summarise our project. For this poster I was thinking about having all of my creatures running across the page in the same direction. This will show the size differences between each creature and will be a good way to introduce each creature as they are in mid run. I also want to print out an art book showing all the final sketches, illustrative pieces, turnaround sheets and final pieces of each creature. There will be little written work within this book, just some breif annotation and header titles, I want my work to speak for itself and I will also be there in person incase anyone has any questions for me. The book will be place on a plinth beside my A2 poster. I will also need to create business cards for the showcase, I want to wait till I've finished my 3rd creature or even the 4th to see which will look the best. Then I will start to quickly design a business card.
I've been looking at the website Blurb for printing my book. They have a lot of options for templates, formats, layouts and paper etc I think I could create my own book easily through this website. I've ordered one of their swatch kits which show all the different kinds of paper that they offer so I can see in person which one I think will suit my book the best. It says it will be delivered on 4th April but I've heard from other people that they have gotten theirs in a week. I hope to have the book finished at the beginning of April so there is time for it be actually be printing and sent out to me in time.

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