Monday 21 March 2016

Supervisor Meeting

With my meeting today with Lynn, we talked about how creature 3 was developing. The creature appears to be top heavy and we discussed about developing the creature further and pushing its design more. As I research into sea creatures, some of them are able to change colour such as some octopuses, I should do some more research into how and why some sea animals do this. 
I talked about how I thought I wouldn't be able to create a 4th creature in time for the book to be printed and delivered. We discussed using the last few weeks on finishing creature 3 and redesigning some traits on creatures 1 and 2. Using what I've learnt through the year and apply that to the first two creatures. I also need to do some more editing to creature 2's final piece by adding more highlights from the light coming through the cave entrance. I need to create a perspective chart of each creature, showing them beside a human and other creatures so people who are viewing my book, can get an idea of how bog/small each creature is. 
We discussed about how I haven't received any reply from the industry experts and that I should focus on other artists professional pipelines so I'll be broadening my knowledge of other artists workflows. We also talked about how I want my book to look like and that I should create a mood board of different book layouts to help focus my ideas.   

Overall, a lot of discussed today. I have a lot of work todo and I don't have much time left. Lynn and I will be meeting the same time next week, monday 1pm. 

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