Wednesday 16 March 2016

Supervisor Meeting

With my meeting with Lynn I showed her the final piece to creature 2 and the development sketches I had created so far with creature 3.
For the final piece for creature 2 she suggested that I made the left side of the image darker because there were some rocks in the background that looked like it has as light source. Also that the fireflies could use with more glow because they are getting lost within the image.
For my development sketches for creature 3, she really liked them however she wanted me to develop them some more as from the side view, the body didn't look quite right and the head was too similar to an elephants. Making the whole creature look like I'm taking parts off of real animals and putting them together, which we both know is something that I don't want to end up doing. She suggested to look up more sea creatures such as sea horses and octopuses to study them and develop my sketches even more by playing around with the body shape to support the trunk etc.    

Lynn also had a look at my CV because I was feeling a bit anxious about the layout and whether the images on the whole page is appropriate. She liked them but said that in some places it is hard to read and that if an employer was to print them out it could print out bad - something which I haven't tested out myself.
She gave examples of what other artists created with their CVs such as having a banner on each page with a part of a painting, this is an idea that I really like and when I find the time I'll test it out.

Overall, as always the meeting was really helpful and we will have our next at our usual time on Monday at 1pm.

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