Tuesday 8 March 2016

Creature 2: Final piece sketch

For the final piece, I wanted to recreate this illustrative piece because I thought about what I could paint that would show an interesting aspect of this creatures life. I thought about a family scene, showing the team work adults make by babysitting, guard duty etc. But I thought that wasn't visually interesting enough and that the lure was the most interesting part of the creature (and the most alien part). 
I wanted the final piece to show this creature hunting in a dark cave, using its lure to hunt other creatures such as lizards. The lure is a bright glow and doesn't spread light like in the illustrative piece. It is a glow that can been seen from far away but it doesn't like up the face of the creature. Below are the sketches for the final piece and the rule of thirds over it. I know that from reading the article '10 myths about the rule of thirds' I want to try and use different techniques for my paintings. However, because of the landscape shape, I thought the rule of thirds would be more helpful to me rather than over complicate things. I do want to try other composition techniques for my next creatures final piece.   

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