Thursday 17 March 2016

Preproduction Pipelines

A production pipeline is key to focusing the next steps to take within practical research. Below shows the beginning of each creature concept, the inkblots. After outlining the inkblot, development of design and anatomy will be undertaken until the creature is finished, then final evaluation. The steps within the design and anatomy process are charcoal sketches, development sketches, illustrative pieces, head close up, animal anatomy studies, creature anatomy studies, colour/fur variations, and then the final turnaround sheets. After the final design of each creature has been created, a final piece will be painted that shows that creature interacting with either its environment or other creatures of the same species.    

 Above are figures 1, 2 and 3 which show the development of the production pipeline itself. Figure 3 is the final pipeline; it shows each stage of the development of the creature designs. First section is the design of the creature, how it looks, how to socializes, raise their young and what kind of environment they live in. The anatomy section focuses on the study of real animals and creating a body that is well suited for that creature on the outcomes from the design. If the creature has not been developed to a high standard and does not make sense in terms of its body to its environment etc. the process will continue through the circle of design and anatomy until a well developed and believable creature has been created. The final stage is the creation of the final piece. A painting will be made showing a scene of that creature within its natural habitat. The scene could be of a mother and calf, creatures interacting with each other, or them hunting etc. After the completion of the final piece, a final evaluation will be completed which is a simple look over all the final development pieces of that creature to ensure that it can survive in its. If there is a problem and the creature does not fully suit its environment, the development pieces will be taken back to the design and anatomy parts of the production pipeline to work out the problem and to create a solution.

“Composition, decorative devices, colour scheme, and the characters themselves all combine to tell the story.” Terryl Whitlatch page 105

Overall, the production pipeline has been a success as none of the creatures had to be taken back into the design and anatomy stages during the final evaluation. The development of each creature went through the final production pipeline smoothly. Certain parts of the pipeline could be taken out such as the charcoal sketches as they did not add anything to the actual design, the development sketches is where the most exploration had taken place. To take its place within the design part of the pipeline, environmental sketches could give a clearer understanding of where each creature lives and how it adapts to it.

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