Thursday 10 March 2016

Creature 2: Final piece

Here is the final piece for creature 2. The cave entrance is to the right of the image as I didn't want the cave to be pitch black. It also draws more attention to that side of the image where the creature is. There are lots of fireflies within these caves, insects that the lure mimics to attract prey such as lizards. Babysitters will also bring the pubs here on their back, so they can watch and learn as the adult hunts. Doing this will help the pup learn how to hunt as well as where the best hunting grounds are. The pups are perfectly safe on the back of the adult. The reason why the pack has babysitters is because there are only one breeding pair (the dominant male and female), who gives birth to about 6 or more pups, its too many for the mother to handle and take each one on these educational hunting trips. That is why other and older members of the family help take care and protect the next generation.
Overall I am quite happy with how this turned out, like the last final piece, I will be coming back to this with fresh eyes and editing it.

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