Tuesday 15 March 2016

Creature 3: Development Sketches

Above are development sketches of creature 3. This creature has one tentacle at the end of its face that it uses to grab nearby prey; the tentacle has suckers on it, much like an octopus has. This creature does not hunt as such, it hides amongst the coral and seaweed as it camouflages itself by changing the colour of its skin.
To the left of the image you can see an egg, this creature lays eggs and buries them in the sand. They leave the eggs to hatch and fend for themselves; as soon as they hatch, they swim to the closest collection of coral where they are protected.

I need to do quite a bit of research into the different colours octopuses change into and how/why. This is something that I know little about so it'll be interesting to research into.

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