Monday 7 March 2016

Supervisor meeting

Today in my meeting with Lynn, we discussed a lot about my dissertation and how I should go about finishing each chapter. I've made a weekly target for myself to email Lynn a chapter each friday. I made sure that some chapters had time to get second drafts. Creating this has made me very aware of how little time I have left so it is a must that I reach each friday deadline. We also discussed the length of the dissertation itself, it can be 6-9000 words in length; contextual review is around 2,500-3000 words, and both methods and findings are around 1000-1,500 each.

Dissertation timeline

Friday 11th March
Email Lynn Contextual Review

Friday 18th March
Email Lynn Methods 
Correcting Contextual Review

Friday 25th March
Email Lynn Case studies/interviews
Correcting Methods

Friday 1st April
Email Lynn 2nd draft contextual review
Correcting Case studies/interviews

Friday 8th April
Email Lynn 2nd draft Methods
Correcting 2nd draft contextual review

Friday 15th April
Email Lynn Conclusion/Discussion
Correcting 2nd draft methods

Friday 22nd April
Correcting Conclusion/Discussion
Last look over during meeting

Other things that we discussed were about my blog, she had a look over it during the week at I need to included more annotations of my work and make things clearer. For my upcoming creatures I'll make more of an effort to make my theories clearer and be more critical of my work too. For my blog I also need to include the jobs and internships I have been applying for as well as what I plan to do for my showcase as well as business cards for the event too. To help prepare for the showcase, I should start testing how my designs - especially my final pieces - print out like.
One of the main problems that I'm having with my project is with my interviews, no one has gotten back to my thus far. Lynn suggested I contact another lecturer, Ken about if he can get me into contact with any creature designers. If not, I'll use my case studies as a plan B to back up my research. Overall, I have a lot of work ahead of me.

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