Monday 21 March 2016

Creature 3: More development sketches

I decided to develop the creature even further after critique from Lynn during one of our meetings. With the last development sketches I liked how the creature looked head on, but from the side I was not happy with it as it began to look like I was just bashing creatures together, which is not what I wanted to do with this project. I played about with the proportions and weight of the body until I developed something that was more balanced. I kept the tentacle at the end of the face but now it can roll it up into a ball for when it is not in use; I also kept the beak mouth.
I am a lot more happier now with the last 3 designs, my next step is to start thinking about the colour and skin texture for this creature. I plan on doing some studies on octopus etc because I have never painted any animal with that kind of texture, so I think I need to practice before doing anything final for creature 3.

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