Wednesday 16 March 2016

Creature 3: Illustrative Pieces

Here you can see how creature 3 uses its tentacle and fins to help blend in with the coral and seaweed. It is also a good position to have as it can easily and quickly grab prey as it swims past this way.

Above you can see that this creature has just caught something; it uses its tentacle to put prey into its beak, almost like an arm. After this, it continues to hunt and puts its tentacle back up ready to grab anything else. This creature will spend most of its life doing this, other than this is hides from predators and once a year, reproduces.

Above is a creature burying its eggs in the sand. They can lay up to 6 eggs and once they are buried, they leave them to fend for themselves. Once they hatch, they swim as fast as they can to the nearest collection of coral where they are safe from predators and they begin to feed on smaller creatures.

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