Thursday 24 March 2016

Creature 3: Head close up and texture studies

I tried to draw the head close up for creature 3 but I wasn't certain how I wanted the texture to be. I've never drawn a sea animal before and although I've seen them in real life, I wasn't sure how to render it out for this creature.
To solve this problem, I decided to do some texture studies of different sea animals. Different animals in the sea have different textures. Dolphins have smooth/rubbery skin texture, fish have scales and animals such as sting rays have a rough, sandpaper type texture. The creatures that I wanted to study for creature 3 are fish, seahorse and octopus skin.

This was really good practice for me in general and I learned a lot. I also need to sort out my brushes in photoshop because I have far too many that I don't use. This'll most likely happen after uni though.
I really like the textures of the octopus and the seahorse; I like how parts of the seahorse look a bit like jelly and I like the roughness of the octopus. I want to explore the anatomy of creature 3 before deciding on a texture; I also want to explore different types of colours and textures the creature could turn into so I need time to think what the best way to develop it is.  

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