Wednesday 30 March 2016

Creature 3: final colours/textures

Above are the final colours and textures for creature 3. From left to right I'll go through each of them.

This is the colour and texture of coral. The creature uses this amongst the coral as it hunts for food and hides from predators.

This pattern is used to confuse whatever is looking at it. The creature moves its fins to hide its face and change its silhouette, creating even further confusion. I really like how this one turned out like because even in its neutral stance, the features on the creatures face are hard to read, which is the whole point of this pattern - to confuse whatever is looking at it.

This is probably one of my favourite colour and texture for this creature. This pattern is the colour and texture of sand and some rocks. The creature can also use this to hide while hunting or from predators.

With this pattern, the creature turns into when it is afraid or startled. It can't help changing into this colour and it is very dangerous when it does as it is very easy to spot. Once the creature calms down, it will change into one of the other three colours.

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