Monday 29 February 2016

Supervisor Meeting

Today I had a meeting with my supervisor Lynn, I showed her all the work I've done for my first two creatures. She brought up some good points such as the males of Creature 1, might have smaller horns because they do not do as much fighting as the females; and a side view of Creature 2, showing the difference in its brows between males and females etc.
We also discussed the lifestyle and habitat of Creature 2, as I have hit a wall of some sorts. Some of the features on the creature don't make entire sense. Mainly how the creature uses its lure to hunt in dark caves but it has also developed the black fur lining under its eyes to absorb the light rather than reflect it into its eyes. We discussed how it seemed odd that it developed traits to survive in both dark and light environments.

I need to do a lot of thinking about Creature 2 before starting a final piece. I thought that maybe this could be a new 'type' of amphibian, where a mammal has developed to live in both underground and above in bright sunlight environments. They cannot, however, live with one and not the other much like amphibians with land and water.
I have a progress presentation on the 2nd so hopefully I can get some good feedback on both of my creatures and my ideas for Creature 2.

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