Wednesday 16 March 2016

My plan after university

I've been thinking a lot on what my plans are after university in terms of my art. I know I'll be moving back home with my parents to help save money for wherever I end up moving to next.

I found a really great course in Australia at Newcastle university, called Natural History Illustration. I could do the 3 year bachelor degree or the 1 year honours. The course studies 3 main subject areas, Art, Science and the environment, leading to specialised careers such as medical illustration, archaeology and environmental conservation. I think this course would really help with my creature design skills as the course teaches students to produce anatomically accurate sketches, studying habitats, drawing from a microscope and lots of field observations and studies. They also do both traditional and digital illustrations.      
However, I researched into tuition fees and for the 1 year Honours course, it's $27,280 which is about £14,500. The only scholarship for that course is only $1,500. Either way, I cannot afford that, so I've emailed the lecturers of the course asking if they have any advice or reading lists for the course. Hopefully they will get back to me.

If I'm not successful with any of the jobs or internships I've applied for, I want to keep studying creature design. I hope to get some freelance work and volunteer at a cat and dog rescue centre down the road from me. In my spare time I'll be doing animal anatomy studies and creating creatures while applying to jobs. I'd take up horse riding again, maybe do some drawings of horses while other lessons are going on. Hopefully promote some freelance work as a lot of parents go to the stables with their kids and ponies, they might want a horse portrait done.   
I also want to look into learning 3D sculpting, creating animals and creatures and improving my skills. Do some life drawing at Belfast Zoo etc. 

Overall, I have a lot of options for after uni which calms me as no matter if I don't get any jobs or internships, I can still use my time at home to practice and improve my skills. 

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