Wednesday 13 January 2016

Visual Research and References

Above is some visual research on different types of Antelope, there's also an African Buffalo in there too. The basic shape of these antelope is similar to how I want my creature to be. The hump on the shoulder blades with short legs etc. The actual movement of my creature is heavy but still agile enough to turn corners quickly, they aren't especially fast though. This is what I think of when looking at the African Buffalo and Wildebeest. I think my creature can take aspects from all these animals. 
Below, is a page from Terryl Whitlatch's new book, Science of Creature Design: Understanding Animal Anatomy. This animal is an Eland, its very similar to a Kudu, they are both types of Antelope. I think that this is the perfect reference to have as well as my other anatomy studies when creating the anatomy of my creature. Obviously I will try and change a few things, aim to create a new image rather than just copying. The pose however, I think is perfect.  
As my project develops, my creatures will become more complicated in their design, studying up on animal anatomy will help me inform my designs to be as realistic as possible.    

Image used for Eland I scanned from Terryl Whitlatches book, Science of Creature Design: Understanding Animal Anatomy

Links to the images I've used in this post:

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