Tuesday 19 January 2016

Group Meeting with Simone

This morning before my 10am lecture, I had a group meeting with Simone and several other students. We took it in turns to discuss what our project was about and what we were hoping to achieve by the end of semester 2.
I showed the group what I had completed with my first creature so far and the feedback that I got from a student was that I should create more images showing different angles of the creature; i.e. front, back, above etc. I also discussed with Simone that I was considering looking into creating some 3D work in Z-Brush to make me more employable and expand my skills. I was told not to; as I should only do what I am passionate about and I should never do something that I think will make me more employable. This is something I want to research further. Specific artists such as Terryl Whitlatch, only works in 2D which I admire, however a lot of creature designers do create work within 3D software whether it is only a quick head sculpt. This is a question I can ask industry experts within my interviews, whether expanding my skills into 3D would be beneficial to me or should an artist like myself focus on perfecting my 2D skills.

Overall, it was an interesting meeting and I enjoyed seeing other students work too. I left with new tasks and research to complete.
  • Create turnaround sheets for my creatures
  • Research into 2D and 3D Creature Designers
  • Start to create the questions for my interviews

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