Friday 8 January 2016

Illustrative Pieces

I decided to create some Illustrative pieces of my creatures to show more about them and their relationship with each other as well as their struggle to survive.
Above is a mother and her young calf; as you can see she has the fully grown horn. This shows that she is very experienced, fit and healthy with her own patch of land which she can easily defend with her impressive horn. Having her own grasslands means she can bring her calf up in a safer environment with plenty of grass for them both. The safe environment will allow the calf to grow up healthy and strong and gives them the best chance to grow their own horn until they leave their mother in search of their own land.

Above are two young creatures fighting for their own grassland. They both have damaged horns meaning that whatever land they are fighting for wont be as rich in grass or water. They could not stand a fight against an adult with a fuller set of horn, they are at a different level to them altogether. These young ones must fight to get the best land as they can so they can eat well and grow their horn to fight for better land. Unfortunately, the better the land they have, the more competitors arrive to challenge them for it. They must learn quickly how to fight and fight well, as they do not want any damage or broken pieces of their horn, or they could be in big trouble.

Above is an underweight mother and her newly born calf. She has a very broken and brittle horn, meaning that she cannot fight for grass land. She roams the plains in search of food for her and her baby. She and her calf are very vulnerable as she doesn't have the horn or the energy to defend them, leaving them in a very difficult situation of roaming in the search of food so she can produce milk for her baby which also leaves them in the open to predators who could easily take down a young calf and an underweight, weak mother.

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