Friday 1 January 2016

BBC The Hunt

The Hunt, which is a documentary series on different kinds of animals and following them on their hunt for food. The episode I found the most interesting was the one on deep sea hunters, such as Blue Whales. These creatures we don't know a lot about, and the fact that scientists are discovering more species every time they deep dive, fascinating.
With the Blue Whale, again not a lot is known about them and how they live. There isn't even a lot of footage or photos of them, they are so rarely spotted. What is known, is that this creature needs a huge amount of food to sustain itself as it swims across whole oceans everyday. So much in fact, if it comes across a swarm of Krill that isn't enough, it wont even bother to waste the calories it takes to open ints mouth. The whale will just continue to swim in search of a swarm of Krill big enough to feast on. I found this really interesting that the whale choose not to eat in search of a bigger meal, it shows critical thinking.
With other deep sea creatures, where there the sunlight cannot reach, creatures had to develop weird and wonderful ways to hunt. This would be the glowing bacteria that these animals have within their bodies and can use to their advantage. Using the glowing bacteria as a lure, they don't waste energy moving to find their prey, they lure them to it. This is to save energy as a meal is rare and difficult to find. I love how alien these creatures look, and the glowing bacteria is like something from a sci-fi film. I hope to use this information in my designs or even as inspiration.


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