Saturday 23 January 2016

Colour Variations

Here are colour variations of both males and females, I started out with more earth tones and gradually started to experiment with colour. My personal favourite ones are numbers 3, 4 and 6. I've been thinking about the type of environment this creature would live in and because it is a prey animal - an aggressive one still - it would need some kind of camouflage and colour to help it bled into its surroundings more. The world that they live in, is very dry with only certain parts near water sources, rich in tall grass. This creature would need to be able to blend into a dry environment and one with long grass at the same time.  
I've learnt in a documentary (a few years ago) that lions see in black and white, meaning that the actual colour didn't matter as much as the pattern to them. Zebras with their stripes are very easily seen when they are alone, however when together the stripes blend together making it impossible for a lion to pick out an individual. When looking at other prey animals in Africa, a lot of them have stripes in one form or another on their body.
Next I want to explore different patterns that this creature could have to help in survive in its environment and lifestyle.

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