Wednesday 20 January 2016

Creature 1: Anatomy

Here are my anatomy sketches for my creature. As you can see from the image on the left, I have created the skeleton and muscle structures. As I mentioned before about how a Bison holds its head vertically, I wanted to incorporate the same to my creature as they have a lot of weight and pressure coming from the horn onto their skull. Holding their head like this makes it easier for them. They can hold their head higher, but it uses a lot of energy, therefore they will only hold their head up high when on high alert.
Their tail acts as a counter balance to the weight of the front of the body.

Below, is a rendered image of the creature. This is the creatures skin, no fur has been added on. I really wanted the viewer to be able to see the muscles of this creature, especially since I put so much time into studying and drawing them. This creature is incredibly strong, and I wanted to give the viewer that impression. I believe I have done a good job so far, one of the more difficult challenges I face now is texture and colour of the creature.

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