Wednesday 27 January 2016

Turnaround Sheets

Here are the final turnaround sheets for my first creature. The first one is the female, the second male. On the first image of each turnaround sheet, I have the creature without the growth on the face, the rest of the images do. This is because I want to show what the creatures face looks like underneath and because there is already of view of the head in the direction with the protective growth I thought it would still be appropriate. This has been done for both male and female turnaround sheets.
Now that I have the final design, I will create a 'final piece' which will be a digital painting with two of these creatures interacting. This will show even more story behind the creatures, much like the illustrative pieces. The painting will be fully rendered with colour too and it will round off the development of this creature nicely for me to move onto developing creature number 2.

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