Sunday 31 January 2016

Final Piece and Reflection

Here is my final piece for my first creature. I intend to create final pieces for all of my creatures and display them at my showcase. I also want to produce a book with all of the skeleton, muscle structures, illustrative pieces etc so audiences can see the development of each creature.

Within this painting, there are multiple reasons why this situation could occur. One is that this very poorly and young creature who's almost an adolescent, has broken his entire horn off. This could of happened from fighting with others, or it got very sick when it was younger, delaying the growth of the horn. Either way, this little one has stumbled onto this adults territory full of lush grass. This powerful female does not want a sick, weak creature on her lands that could attract predators, endangering her own calf as well as eating her grass. Therefore she has chased him off her land and onto the dry plains.

Another reason is that this is her own calf, who is sick and again, delaying the horn growth. The mother has become pregnant again and wants the new calf to have the best start in life. Therefore, chasing the sick one off of her land to make room for the new baby. Many animals on Earth do this, as to not waste energy and time raising a sick baby that'll most likely die.

Overall, I enjoyed painting this piece, and because I intend to display this at my showcase I'll most likely be editing it for the rest of the semester. There are a few details that I can see already such as the spine on the younger creature hasn't been highlighted enough. The muscle underneath it has but that gives the impressive that it's the spine, so it looks like quite a painful pose. I'll be editing that soon as well as the rest of the piece.

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