Thursday 28 January 2016

Sketches of the Final Piece

For my final piece, I've taken some sketches from my illustrative pieces and render them out into a digital painting. The adult, I lowered the head so it looks more like its charging, I tried to change the legs but in this image the creature looks too heavy, its trotting like an elephant or rhino would. I do want this creature to be heavily charging but not that heavy, it still needs to have speed and a but of agility. The adolescent was a bit difficult too, its running away, panicked and throwing a few bucks. I want to show the panic by having it a little bit off balance. With this image its too off balance and it needs more work.

Here are the final sketches of the two creatures. The adult looks a lot more faster, agile and it still looks heavy. The adolescent I'm happy with too as its leaping in the air. My next step is figuring out the layout of this piece. As you can see I've incorporated the golden spiral to help me with the layout.

Finally, I also used the rule of thirds to fix any layout issues too. I'm really looking forward to painting this and also excited to start developing my next creature.

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