Saturday 16 January 2016

Skull Variations

Here are skull variations so show the growth rate and what it would mean to have parts of it broken off.

1. Full Adult, Strong/Experienced
This is an experienced adult with many successes in life. the fully grown horn would mean that they have the best grasslands to raise its young, or the stature to attract females. (Males are roamers, in search of food and females, only females take on their own territory.) An adult like this would have a very nice life, rarely would anything threaten it and others move out of its way. This adult would demand respect wherever it went.  

2. Adolescent
This young creature has had a very experienced mother, mostly like one with a fully grown horn. Even though it has had the best start in life, it would have moved away from its mother and now has the challenges of predators, fighting and trying to gain enough experience and keep its horn in top condition to keep succeeding in life.

3. Damaged Adult
This adult used to have a fully grown horn but has gotten into a fight, most likely over grasslands. However, this adult would still be high in the pecking order has it hasn't lost too much. It will still take years for the rest of it to grow back but it could of been a lot worse.

4. Damaged Adult
This adult has gotten into a fight and pretty certain that it has lost. Quite a bit of its horn has been destroyed and it'll be very low in the pecking order. This creature will have a very difficult time protecting itself, fighting for food and if male, have no hope in attracting a female.

5. Baby
This is the first initial growth of horn for a baby (around 6 months), its mother is doing well so far, keeping it out of trouble so it doesn't damage its horn.

6. Strong Adolescent
Much like number 2, this adolescent is a bit older than it but has done very well so far. It would of won some of its first fights and has a bright future ahead of it.

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