Thursday 14 April 2016

Naming my creatures

I did some research into Latin and how animals are named because I've been putting off naming my creatures because I thought it would be very cringe. Mostly Latin is used in a way where the animal is named after its most noticeable feature. It's basically just describing the creature. Then the common name for the animal are sometimes taken from the Latin name too. I decided to do this for my creatures and looked up words that best describe each of them.

Monkey - Simia
Large horn - Est cornu magnum
Light - Lux
Glowing light - Refulgens
Bait - Cibus
Trap - Captionem
Colour changer - Mutante Colores
Heavy foot - Magna pedis
Anger - ira
Angry - Iratus
Colourful - Laetus

Below are the Latin names and common names for each creature.

Creature One
Common name: Iratus Horn
Latin name: Iratus Cornu Magnum (meaning angry large horn)

Creature Two
Common name: Glowing Simia
Latin name: Captionem Refulgens (meaning glowing light trap)

Creature Three 
Common name: Laetus Squid
Latin name: Mutante Colores (meaning colour changer)

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