Tuesday 12 April 2016

Creature 3: Final Piece

Above is the final piece for creature 3. The creature has been hiding in the coral and the viewer has startled it. You can see that the creature is gradually turning into its afraid colour while the other half of its body is using the mottle pattern that it used to hide. You can also see there is a second creature that is hiding just below the first one. This one has not been startled and is using the mottle pattern to hide. Overall, I really enjoyed creating and developing this creature, and I think this painting shows off what this creature is by showing the viewer one creature changing colour/texture and the other perfectly hidden. 

Above are the sketches for the final piece and one WIP. I originally wanted the final piece to be bigger with a third creature hidden to the left of the image. However, as I was painting it, I thought it was a bit hard to read the layout and that the main creature which to be the focus of the painting, was a bit small. I then cropped the image and moved some of the coral around to make the composition better. I'm glad I did this as it had saved me a lot of time and the final image reads a lot better that the two images above.

Below are links to the reference images used in this final piece:

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