Friday 15 April 2016

Book sent for print

I finally got my book ordered for the degree showcase; above is the cover of the book. It is meant to arrive on the 27th so plenty of time to get here. The book included my final production pipeline and the development work of all three of my creatures. I did leave out the charcoal sketches stage of the pipeline as it didn't actually help me too much when creating these creatures. However, I didn't take it out of the pipeline as I think its better to encourage myself to sketch out designs more, rather than rush through to illustrative pieces etc. The book itself is 68 pages and I've created it in InDesign so I have a PDF version of my book. I will submit the PDF along with my other work for the 25th deadline as the book itself wont arrive till the 27th.
Overall, I am really happy that I got this done in time and I'm pleased with how my creatures turned out like. As I always say, I'm looking forward to continue on researching and learning about animals and creature design and put everything I learn into practice after uni.

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