Wednesday 10 February 2016

Creature 2: Development Sketches

Here are development sketches of creature 2. I imagine this creature to be quite small, about the size of a domestic cat. They are nimble, light and live in a society similar to Meerkats. They live in large family groups with one dominant male and female who are the only ones who have the breeding rights. They live mostly underground to protect their young from other predators, and they hunt in dark underground tunnels and caves, using their lure to help them. They large fangs, like a lot of monkeys and apes, are used for show. They can bare their teeth at each other in aggression or defence.  
At first I thought that they would only live underground where there is no light, thus making them blind. They would use the long hairs on their face like cats whiskers to help them navigate through the cave. Then I began thinking that a mammal would find it almost impossible to survive and raise its young in this kind of environment.
I need to think about this creatures live style more in order to properly create a believable creature.

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