Thursday 4 February 2016

Meeting with Simone

With my meeting with Simone, we discussed my work so far. She was happy with the work I was producing and gave me some advice on different places for inspiration which were the McManus Gallery, Camperdown Zoo and D'Arcy Thompson Zoology Museum.
We also discussed what I was going to produce for my showcase. My ideas are to have each of the final pieces of each creature printed out and have a book showing the development of each creature. We looked at different printing websites and the one I liked best was Blurb. The others were Moo and Vista Print.
Looking back to my research proposal, the question of "Does practical creature design have an affect on suspension of disbelief?" does not apply to my project as well. the term suspension of disbelief is quite broad, it included story, environment, characters etc. With my project, I only want to focus on the creature design. I need to rethink my question, to focus my project research further as to not get distracted by other aspects of film.

For the next group meeting next thursday, I need to create a new question that better fits my project and to start creating the questions for my interviews.

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