Thursday 25 February 2016

Creature 2: Colour Variations

Here are colour variations for creature 2, the female is on the left and the male is on the right. I wanted to keep in mind that they spend a lot of time underground and only sometimes come out onto a dry and extremely hot climate type of environment. The darker colours I thought would best suited for when they are in dark caves, but then these caves would barely have any light and some caves are so deep that there is no actual light in them at all. Therefore I thought that maybe a darker colour wouldn't really matter. I then thought about the time they spent outside, looking for these cave entrances, water sources etc. This is the time where they are most venerable from predators and even the sun itself. A lighter colour to blend in with the sand and to reflect the light off their body, to try and keep themselves cool in the sun.
I still have to creature fur patterns for each of these, until then, I'll make my decision of which colour scheme I think best suits this creature and its environment.

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