Thursday 4 February 2016

10 myths about the rule of thirds

Travis Leaf Glover has written a really interesting article on his thoughts about the rule of thirds and how it has impacted him as an artist. He believes that this rule has delayed his growth as an artist and encourages other artists to practice other rules.  
I've never been too sure about the rule of thirds myself, because I always thought your images would all end up looking the same with the character/focus point in the same third every time. However, I thought it was the right thing to do, so I tried to incorporate it into my paintings. Within this article, there mentioned a lot of other composition rules that I haven't even heard of.  
  • Figure Ground Relationship 
  • Law of Continuity 
  • Greatest Area of Contrast 
  • Dynamic Symmetry 
  • Coincidence 
  • Law of Symmetry
  • Radiating Lines
  • Ellipses 
  • Enclosure 
  • Law of Proximity 

All of these laws can help me create rhythm, unity, tension and have the viewers eyes move around my painting. I did notice that when creating my final piece for my first creature, by using the rule of thirds I kept getting unwanted negative space within my painting. Both creatures looked so far away from each other that they didn't look like they were interacting at all. I intend to go back on that painting and see what I can change composition wise using what I've learned through this article.  

All images used for this blog post are from the article. 
Link to the article:   

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