Saturday 6 February 2016

McManus Gallery

Today I went to the McManus gallery to do some sketching of their taxidermy animals. They had a skull of an extinct cow called Aurochs which was twice the size of a cow today. They also had animals like bears, wolves and birds. I did some sketches of the animals that I felt inspired by, I really liked studying the animals that had expressions such as the roaring bear and the howling wolf. I found it difficult to draw snouts like the one on the badger. I find it difficult to draw because snouts are straight and bent at the same time. Its hard to get the angle and perspective right for me. Obviously this is something that I need to commit time to studying and practicing. I do however, like the sketch I drew of the owl, its hard to get the detail and the body shape right for an animal thickly covered in feathers, but I think I did a good job.
Overall, I really enjoyed doing this and I wish I had more time to do this more often. I will try and make a habit of drawing from real life whether its from a taxidermy animal or a pet.

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