Monday 21 September 2015

My Thoughts and Questions

This week during Lynn’s class we were told to write down everything that we were thinking or had questions about our projects, the industry or even our own skills. This practice helped me a lot by clearly thinking about my ideas and my concerns about my project and putting it down onto paper.  

Below are the questions that I came up with:

Why do multiple people work on one character/creature design?

Does practical design have an affect on creativity?

What is happening in the film industry now?

Does practical design really matter?

Does everything have to be mo-capped now?

Is there no need for animators and character/creature concept artists?

Are films more about the technology used rather than storytelling and creative expression?

How does form language affect design?

Uncanny valley, how much of a problem is it?

How can I improve my digital painting skills?

A lot of my questions are on the industry itself, wondering why are films made the way they are and is that the best option. This is to be expected as of now I don’t work in the film industry, but I intend to try and answer these questions the best I can throughout my project by reading specific books on the subjects and possibly even getting a few interviews with industry professionals.   
Some of the more attainable questions that I have are to do with design, technology and creation. For example How can I improve my digital skills? I can start this exploration today by doing exercises such as watching art videos, reading art book and traditional painting as well as digital.

Over all, writing my thoughts down on a piece of paper has actually helped me flesh out what I really want to know and then I can plan on how to answer these questions. In future if I find that my thoughts are getting too much or I feel like I’m getting lost within my project, I think writing down all of my thoughts onto a piece of paper will be very beneficial for me.  

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