Saturday 26 September 2015

30 Second Animal Sketches part 2

Here are some more quick animal sketches using charcoal, they are all 30 seconds each. As I’ve said before, this practice helps me get the basic shape and silhouette of the animal as quickly as possible. I need to focus on the form of the animal and by using S shapes to create form language helps me do that. There are some that are a bit messy but others I quite like such as the separate enlarged drawings.
My goal for each drawing was to create as quickly and as accurately each animal as I can. It’s also incredibly fun and relaxing to let your hand loose and make quick strokes with the charcoal. Doing this could improve my anxiety of creating and showing my work publicly as it helps me learn that it’s ok to make mistakes, just move on and keep drawing.

I hope to do another set or move onto another way of drawing to see what I come up with. But I really do like this method of getting a figure down very quickly, therefore I intend to use this method when I’m starting to create my own designs and creatures. I want to experiment more with creating shapes, so I plan on getting some ink and straws and using them to see what I create; I'm not looking for anything in particular and trying to specific draw anything, but I think it'll be a very fun and interesting experiment. 

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