Thursday 10 September 2015

A brief introduction

Hello, I’m Rebecca Monaghan and this is my Honours blog for Computer Arts. My aspiration is to work within the film industry as a 2D visual development artist and hopefully throughout my career work my way up to art director. It’s going to be a long journey full of hard work but I’m excited for it!
For my honours project I want to focus on the design and creation of creatures for film and how they interact within their own environment. The work I’m planning on doing could obviously go for games as well but for my aspirations I’m going to focus it onto films. I plan to create a collection of creatures where every part of their design has purpose and has evolved to develop that purpose because of the environment they belong to. I am a huge animal fan and love to watch documentaries about all kinds of animals, which is why I have a pet peeve of seeing creatures in films/games that don’t make any sense to their environment or character. I’m not so sure why this seems to happen a lot within media whether its time and money constraints or I’m just a massive animal geek, but I hope to find out!

My next move is to read up and discuss some case studies on creatures in films that I feel their design isn’t what I would do for that environment/scene and why. Then I will create a few examples of what I would do and discuss every step and every design feature. Other than that I’m not too sure where this project will take me but I’m excited to find out through my research and practice. 

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