Wednesday 28 October 2015

Progress Presentations

Today I had my first progress presentation in front of my peers and lecturers; I feel that it went well and the main comment about my progress is that I need more context to help drive my project forwards. They liked my project as a whole and the artwork that I have created so far, calling it my playful stage. I was suggested to create more experiments with texture and colour just like I have done with my ink drawings, so I intend to do that as soon as possible.
Overall, they liked my project and found my ideas and methods interesting, I feel motivated to do some more experiments and research into different fields to help develop a better context for my project to help drive it forward.    

My current to do list is as follows: (this list could change depending on how my project is developing)

  • Texture and colour work/experiments
  • More film case studies
  • The jungle book, rango, fantastic mr fox, Star Wars. (Creature limitations)
  • Research Terryl Whitlatch
  • Mindmap of research questions, what I’ve found out and what my questions are now
  • Research Proposal 

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