Saturday 10 October 2015


Today I went to PopDundee that opened up in Brewdog for two days and bought some pieces. I was talking to a girl called Elena Lam who made the art print above (not the sausage dog though). I asked her how she created it and she told me it was mixed media; she drew the animals with ink and digitally edited them in Photoshop with photos she made herself of the smoke. I really liked her artwork and how the smoke created a sense of movement within the animals. We talked some more about her work and my own project, and then exchanged contact info. Below is more of her artwork.

While creating and rendering out my own artwork for my project, I’d like to experiment with some textures to see what I can create. This might be the most effective when drawing two creatures fighting to show their scale/abilities etc. Or even as a ‘final piece’ for that creature design. Either way, it’s too soon to be thinking this far ahead in my project but it is an idea and I’ll like to further explore this.    

Below is a link to Elena Lam’s art tumblr.

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