Thursday 15 October 2015

Ink Experiments Part 2

Here is some more ink experiments, first I wanted to create some more textures for me to use later on in my project. I hope to use them as skin textures in my concepts and just do some more experimenting with them just to see what could happen.
I then did some more drawings by putting a puddle of ink in the center of the page and using a straw to push the ink around the page. I got some interesting markings so I decided to scan them all into photoshop, cut them in half and mirror them to see what would be created. Also it was extremely fun to do!

Below is the final outcome of mirroring the split ink drawings and I’m really pleased with how they have come out. I find each and every one of them so interesting and unique to each other in terms of shapes and texture. Some of them look like they have faces and others look like insects; I intend to take some of the ones that I like the best and render them out into head shots of creatures and develop them from there. Using this ink technique has been really fun and came out with some really good results; I really want to use it again in the near future.

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