Saturday 10 October 2015

Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty Collection

An unexpected turn, but one of my friends recommended me this book as McQueen’s collection was inspired by animals and nature and she thought it could help inspire me for my own project. I really admire McQueen’s designs, as while I was looking through his book, he wasn’t afraid to experiment with bright and dark colour palettes and textures which I really like. Having an overall dark colour with bursts of colourful patterns and textures. I really love how he used real nature such as horse hair and shells for some of his pieces, having the textures be the main focus of the pieces. I love the different shapes and silhouettes of each piece, showing the variety of each animal. I do however; don’t agree with using fur, which is my own personal opinion and moral, as I do not condone the killing of animals just for their skin/fur.
As you can see from the last two images on the mood board, there are some pieces that have been inspired by bone which created an almost H. R. Giger visual style. It’s interesting to see how this collection all ties in together with each piece looking so unique and creative. Looking through this book has inspired me to be more creative with my project and to try new methods of creating art; and even if it doesn’t turn out too well, still blog about it and learn from it.   

The images in this blog post I have scanned myself from the referenced book below:

Bolton A. and Koda H. 2011. Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty. Yale University Press.

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