Saturday 12 December 2015

Weta Digital’s 3D Horse creation

Weta Digital is a visual effects company based in Wellington, New Zealand. They are known for developing innovative technology.
Weta Digital’s Tissue physically-based framework has won a scientific and engineering award for its software which is able to build muscles, fat and skin for creatures and characters for film. This software has been used in films such as Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Avatar, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and Prometheus. 

From the videos linked below, it shows the process of taking a horse skeleton, adding in the muscles, fat and then showing the final product of a very realistic horse galloping. It shows the importance of anatomy and how it can be used for 3D models within video games and film.
In-depth knowledge of animal anatomy is key for creature design and by creating illustrations of the creature’s skeleton and muscles, it allows the riggers to see where the joints are and helps guide them within the 3D process.  

During the production of Avatar, motion caption was used to create the movement of the characters. Using Weta Digital’s tissue physically-based framework helped by turning the human actors into real, living and moving alien species. Having the Na’vi people move and have appropriate anatomy, helped the audience suspend their disbelief and connect in the world that they are seeing.  

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