Monday 14 December 2015

Supervisor Meeting

This morning I had my final meeting with my supervisor before the holiday break. We discussed my next steps in my project and set out goals to be completed before the next semester.
The plan is to take 4-6 of the mirrored ink images and render them out into creature head studies. Once that is completed, start creating sketch concepts of the body by using the 30 second sketching I did for the animal drawings. Any of the head studies that didn’t work out too well, will be redrawn as a different part of the body, rather than the head. If it works out, move onto the 30 second sketch stage like the others. In the end I should have a small collection of creature head figures with basic body concepts.

Other things to work on during the holidays are keeping on top of my blog, completing the ethics form and reading some books on film and creature design. I have ordered Terryl Whitlatch’s two new books, Principles of Creature Design: Creating Imaginary Animals and Science of Creature design: Understanding Animal Anatomy. Another book I’ve ordered is Evolution in Action: Natural History through Spectacular Skeletons by Jean-Baptiste de Panafieu. I will be reading these books, taking notes and quotes on what I find interesting or important to my project.     

Overall, I have a lot of work to complete over the holidays, but I am excited to get back into drawing after all the written work on the other parts of my coursework. 

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