Saturday 19 December 2015

Charcoal Drawings

Here are some 30 second charcoal drawings to help me quickly get onto paper the ideas I had for the body of my creature. I used S shapes and tried different forms for the back; I knew because of the size of the horn that this creature would need a strong neck and back to be able to hold its heap up. I also thought about where the horn would grow our from, and I thought that the back of the skull would be the best as if it were on the top or temples like other creatures, then the weight and pressure could cause damage to their skull and even their brain. 
I didn't do a lot sketches because I knew that I wanted the creatures' body to resemble a Buffalo, Ox or Moose etc. These animals - especially the Ox - have a lot of references on their anatomy, making it easier to create a similar body for my creature. With my other designs, it'll get gradually harder to source certain animals so doing research on more domestic animals will help educate me and enable me to make informed decisions on more alien like creatures.    

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