Tuesday 29 December 2015

DCA Exhibition: Drawn into Tomorrow

Today before I go home for the holidays, I went to an exhibition at the DCA. The exhibition was created by two Finnish artists Visa Suonää and Patrik Söderlund, together they are called IC-98. 

The artists used both hand drawn images with digital animation to create the intriguing visual displays. There was a 40min animation of a tree changing shape, which I found really interesting. The noises of the groaning tree and the visuals of insects and moths coming out of the tree were very creepy and off-putting. The tree appeared to be dying as it slowly disappeared and the scene of underground showing its roots swaying back and forth.
Some quick notes I wrote while at the exhibition:
  •    Tree
  •   3D
  •   Horror
  •   Black and White
  •   Slow scene changes
  •   Bugs/insects
  •   Fish in water
  •   Water boiling
  •   Stars moving
  •   Mist/fog
  •   Everything slightly moving
  •   Tree alive/dead
  •   Roots of the tree
  •   Creepy/harsh music
  •   Music sounds like the groaning of trees

“The artists are fascinated with nature and culture, material and myth, and the individual and the collective. They are also interested in the idea of the Anthropocene, our current geological age and a period during which human activity has been a dominant and often negative influence on climate and the environment.”

Overall, this had been a very interesting experience and hopefully I can somehow apply what I have seen and experienced into my work and sketches for my project.

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