Sunday 1 November 2015

Experimenting with Colour

After my feedback from my progress presentations to experiment with more colour, I did just that. I created some more colour blobs, splitting and then mirroring them like I did with the ink, except with acrylic paints. I then decided to fill a page with water and mix different colours with it and then press the previous page against it to try and create almost a layered and cloudy affect. I quite like some of the outcomes and I plan on drawing over some of them like I did with the ones in my Inktober send off blog post.  
I’ve really enjoyed being in this playful stage of my project, however I believe I have enough material so far to develop plenty of creatures and continue on with my project. Using these colourful pages to try and create forms and rendering out the mirrored ink blobs will be my next focus. 

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